Please read and accept the following PandaTrips terms and conditions for train ticket booking:
PandaTrips is a train ticket purchasing agent. At present, we offer ticket pickup booking service
Ticket pickup:
You can book China train tickets on PandaTrips website or app.
After you have successfully purchased tickets, go to any railway station or authorized ticket office within mainland China with a valid ID (this should be the same as the one used for your booking) and your ticket pickup number, which is the letter E followed by a series of numbers.
Total payment due for train tickets (for pickup) booked through PandaTrips = (displayed ticket price + booking fee + money exchange fee) .
Note: According to railway authority ticket regulations, the railway authority will charge an extra CNY 5 per ticket if you pick them up at a ticket office not at the railway station or at a railway station outside of your departure city.
To ensure the best chance of availability, tickets are limited to a maximum of five per booking (must be for the same date, same train number and same seat type). A separate booking should be made for any additional tickets or tickets for different dates, train numbers or seat types. Tickets are charged and delivered on a per-booking basis.
Ticket Refund Requests:
1) If ordered tickets are no longer available, PandaTrips will refund the full price paid (subject to confirmation).
2) Refunds will be made according to the initial method of payment. Refund payment date is subject to Paypal or bank provider.
3) Ticket refund hours: 06:00–22:55 and at least 35 minutes prior to departure.
4) If you need to refund your tickets between 22:55 and 06:00 or your tickets have already been picked up, please go to the railway station’s refund window with a valid ID.
Ticket cancellation and modification
1) You can apply online to cancel unissued pickup tickets up to two hours before departure. PandaTrips cannot cancel tickets after issue or within two hours of departure. If your ticket(s) have been issued but you would like to cancel them, please go to the refund window at a railway station with your ticket(s) and valid ID (this should be the same as the one used for your booking). According to railway authority ticket refund regulations, a 5% handling fee will be charged per ticket for any cancellation made at least 49 hours before departure, a 10% handling fee will be charged per ticket for any cancellation made 25-49 hours before departure and a 20% handling fee will be charged per ticket for cancellation made within 25 hours of departure. The actual handling fees will be subject to the railway authority.
2) To change unissued tickets after successfully booking them, please go to the change window at any railway station within Mainland China with valid ID (the same one used for your booking) before the train departs.
3) Ticket offices not at the railway station cannot cancel or change tickets. To change tickets, please go to the ticket modification window at any railway station within Mainland China with a valid ID (this should be the same as the one used for your booking) and ticket pickup number (which is the letter E plus a series of numbers).
4) Tickets can be changed once only. Changed tickets can be canceled before the new train departs.
5) Cancel tickets through PandaTrips or railway station’s ticket modification window,refunds will be made according to the initial method of payment.
1) Information provided is for reference only. Please refer to data issued by the local railway authority for most up-to-date information.
2) PandaTrips will not refund tickets due to incorrect information provided by the customer, including but not limited to: date, train number, seat type, identity document details and passenger information.
3) Refunds will be made according to the initial method of payment. Refund payment date is subject to Paypal or bank provider.
In the case of any dispute relating to train ticket reservations, the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China will apply as administered by the Hangzhou Binjiang District People’s Court.
If you have any questions,please contract us with email: [email protected]